Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Как програмиста/журналиста променя новините?

Днес търсенето за програмист / журналисти е един знак за това как Интернет е променил новините. Докато ролята стана особено важно за много напред мислене новини организации, традиционни редакциите често са все още се борят да се интегрират програмист / журналисти в ежедневието си работен процес.
Говорих с някои програмист / журналисти за своите ипотпал хибридни роли в новини покритие. Те трябваше да предложи много за новите граници на журналистиката и как програмист / журналисти водят до безпрецедентни стойност за стартиране, така и на основните организации, новини.

[Via http://ipotpalex.wordpress.com]

Saturday, December 19, 2009

stable 2.1 available for Droid

So I was browsing the internet and I went to Endgadget and I saw a post about a stable version of 2.1 out for droid and from what I here it is fast so go check it out If I find the files I will post the here butright now I don’t know where to get them. *Please do this at you own risk*.


[Via http://blackberryfoster.wordpress.com]

Thursday, December 17, 2009

한국 최초의 안드로이드 스마트폰

아이폰이 이 정도 큰 바람을 불고 올 것이라고 SKT는 예상하고 있었을까? 내가 볼 땐 천만에 말씀, 만만의 콩떡이다.

T옴니아2가 어느 정도 아이폰 대항마 역할을 해줄 것이라 생각했던 것 같은데. 팔리는 건 그럭저럭 팔리는 지 모르겠지만 얼굴 들기가 남사스러울 정도로 온라인에서는 온통 아이폰 이야기 뿐이다.

아이폰을 윈모가 깔린 스마트폰(옴니아2)으로 대항하겠다고? 말도 안되는 소리다. HTC 정도 UI에 일가견이 있는 선수들이 진짜 열라열라 고민해서 내놓은 HD2정도 되면 또 모를까.

결국 SKT는 뭘로 이 아이폰 폭풍과 맞서야 하나. 결국 안드로이드밖에 답이 없다. 원래 안드로이드 밖에 답이 없었고, 이건 우리나라 뿐만 아니라 다른 나라도 마찬가지다.

그럼.. 이 시점에서 SKT에서 출시될 첫 안드로이드 모델은 무엇일까. 결론부터 먼저 얘기하자면 둘 중 하나다. 삼성에서 새로 내놓는 모델, 아니면 모토롤라의 드로이드가 될 확율이 가장 높다.

모토롤라에서 1월에 내놓을 모델은 드로이드

모토롤라의 안드로이드폰 출시는 1월 출시가 거의 확정적인 것으로 보인다. 언론에서도 수차례 보도가 되었고, ‘정통한 소식통’을 통해 들어오는 소식도 마찬가지.

선보일 모델도 정해진 것으로 보인다. 지난 11월 US에 내놓은 Android 2.0이 탑재되어 있는 드로이드. 전세계에서 현재 아이폰 대항마로 인정받는 거의 유일한 모델이다.

이 모델을 한국사용자들 입맛에 꼭 맞춰서 들여오면서, (사용자 입맛이라고 했지, 통신사 입맛이라 하지 않았다)  Google Goggle, Google Navigation 등 구글의 첨단 Mobile Service를 얹어서 출시하면 아이폰 하고도 충분히 해볼 만 하다. 제대로 된 스마트폰 전쟁이 시작될 수 있다.

(참고로 혹자는 모토롤라의 한국 출시 첫 모델로 Cliq 얘기가 오가고 있다고 했으나 그 가능성은 희박해 보인다. 한국 사용자가 바보냐?)

문제는 삼성

국내 휴대폰 지난 10년 내내 부동의 1위 자리를 지킨 삼성전자. 이번에 아이폰 때문에 한국에서 스타일 완전 제대로 구겼다. 아이폰과 1:1 대결구도 형성에 어느 정도 성공하면서 오히려 옴니아2의 판매댓수는 늘어나기도 했지만 온라인 등에서 아이폰 때문에 생긴 옴니아2에 대한 냉소 등은 ‘옴니아의 굴욕’을 넘어 ‘애니콜의 굴욕’이라 불릴 만 하다.

또 삼성입장에서 국내시장은 그렇게 큰 시장은 아니다. 하지만 명색이 한국 기업이고 명색이 안방이다. 안방에서 온갖 수모 다 겪으며 맨날 지낼 수는 없다. 결국 아이폰에 삼성도 반격을 해야 하는데.. 뭘 갖고 하느냐, 답은 역시 안드로이드 밖에 없다.

‘한국 최초의 안드로이드폰’이라는 타이틀을 삼성이 놓치고 싶을까? 나 같으면 놓치고 싶지 않을 것 같다. 무조건 모토롤라 드로이드보다 하루라도 더 일찍 내놓으려 할 것이다.

이렇게 진행될 때 나는 2가지가 걱정된다.

  1. 안드로이드 버전이 2.0이 아닌 1.5 혹은 1.6으로 나올 것
    매우 걱정되는 부분이다. 안드로이드 2.0은 지금까지 출시된 폰 들 중 모토롤라 드로이드에만 탑재되어 있다. 삼성이 발표한 폰들 중 1.6이상이 탑재되어 있는 폰은 아직 없다. (요새 구글이 직접 내놓을 것이라는 소문이 무성하게 돌고 있는 Nexus One은 2.1이 깔려서 나온다는데, 1.6은 뒤떨어져도 한참 뒤떨어진 느낌을 준다.)
    삼성은 글로벌휴대폰 제조사다. 한국은 작은 마켓이다. 삼성이 이번 한국 출시만을 위해 2.0폰을 만들어 내놓을 확율은 내가 볼 때는 아주 적다.
  2. 옴니아2에도 못 미치는 사양의 폰이 나올 가능성
    삼성에서 지금까지 해외에 내놓은 안드로이드폰 중에 이렇다 할 만한 것은 아직 없었다. 삼성이 지금까지 출시한 안드로이드폰은 Galaxy, Moment, Spica 등 몇 모델이 있는데 ‘그럭저럭 괜찮은 폰’이라는 평은 있어도, 어느 누구에게서도 ‘최고의 폰’ 등 드로이드 급의 대우는 받아본 적이 없는 폰들이라는 것이다.
멋진 넘 아니면 삼성이 모토롤라에게 양보하기를..

난 이번에 한국에 최초로 나오는 안드로이드폰은 ‘멋진 넘’이기를 바란다. 아이폰보다 더 좋던가 아니면 아이폰 만한 넘이 나왔으면 좋겠다. 현재 전세계적으로 그 정도 대우받고 있는 넘은 아직은 모토롤라의 드로이드 밖에 없다.

삼성이 내놔도 좋다. 하지만 그동안 해외시장에 조용히 맛뵈기 식으로 슬그머니 내놓은 그런 넘 말고 진짜 제대로 된 HW스펙에 안드로이드 2.1이나 2.0에, 제대로 된 UI가 들어있는, 그런 안드로이드폰을 내놓기를 희망한다.

그래야만 ‘지대로 된’ 안드로이드의 바람이 불 것이다.

난 바람을 맛보고 싶다.


이 정도 멋진 Quality로는 내놔주셔야 되지 안카슴?

[Via http://sbroh.wordpress.com]

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Nine ways of looking at a Google phone

The long-rumored gPhone has surfaced, but no one can agree about what it means

The purported Google phone. Photo: Cory O'Brien

Google (GOOG) announced on its mobile blog Saturday what dozens of staffers had already leaked: the company has given employees around the world free handsets running its Android mobile operating system. The idea, according to the official report, is to have Google’s own people test various advanced features and offer feedback to the company’s designers — a process known in the business as “dogfooding” (as in “eating your own dogfood”).

Not surprisingly, given Google’s financial clout and the power it wields over the Internet, the experiment has launched a storm of speculation about what it means. As we sort through the theories, we count at least nine ways of looking at the Google phone.

  1. Google is in the process of designing an unlocked cellphone that it plans to sell directly to the public online — bypassing the mobile carriers and brick-and-mortar retailers — sometime next year. This is the line TechCrunch took first and the Wall Street Journal has picked up, citing unnamed sources “familiar with the matter.”  This theory underlies much of the theorizing that follows.
  2. Google has watched with dismay as smartphone makers tweak the Android OS to suit their needs, fragmenting the software ecosystem and scaring off developers. “By putting its stake in the ground,” writes GigaOm’s Om Malik, “the company is hoping that it doesn’t make the mistake that Microsoft made by dragging its feet in releasing Zune and ceding the market to Apple’s iPod.”
  3. Apple (AAPL) has finally met its match in a competitor that has the resources, the partners and the staying power to challenge the iPhone. This, finally, is the real iPhone killer.
  4. The iPhone, despite the failure of AT&T’s (T) network to keep up with bandwidth demands in high-profile urban markets, continues to sell like crazy. Google realizes it has to move fast or the game will be lost.
  5. A Google phone sold without a subsidy from the mobile carriers would be prohibitively expensive — at least $400, and probably more like $500 or $600, according to Ian Betteridge’s back of the envelope calculations. (See his comments here.) A carrier like T-Mobile (DT) could sell the same phone for a fraction of the price.
  6. Google could subsidize the phone out of its own pocket, perhaps giving it away for free to drive more traffic to its revenue-producing ads — a strategy that’s worked for nearly every other project in Google Labs.
  7. If Google were to try to sell a smartphone below cost, the company would be facing a 21st century version of the Microsoft (MSFT) antitrust trials, and the start of a long, slow decline.
  8. Google is about to alienate the very hardware manufacturers it’s counting on to carry the Android flag. Why would customers buy a Motorola (MOT) Droid, for example, when they could get the official Android smartphone from Google?
  9. Google has no intention of making its own hardware. The so-called Google phone is actually  the HTC Passion (AKA Bravo), an Android 2.1 smartphone set for U.S. release by T-Mobile in January. The “dogfooding” exercise is exactly what Google said it was — a way to test a bunch of advanced Android features on a friendly user base before they go public.

[Follow Philip Elmer-DeWitt on Twitter @philiped]

[Via http://brainstormtech.blogs.fortune.cnn.com]

First videos of the Android-powered Motorola Opus One for Boost Mobile

Someone at Motorola needs to call the plumber. I’ve never seen so many leaks from a handset company. Or maybe all of this is staged for hype? Who knows?

Last week, the first pictures of the Motorola Opus One were revealed. BGR reported the device would support Sprint Nextel’s iDEN network and which lead us to speculate it is headed to Boost Mobile.

Boost Mobile offers no contract, pre-paid plans including the popular Monthly Unlimited Plan at $50. The Opus One would be the first Android phone for Boost Mobile and be marketed as their flagship device.

The Story

Imagine you are walking down the beach and you pick up a phone. The device is a shiny new touchscreen phone that you have never seen before. You rush home to search for the phone on Google, but are not coming up with any relevant results.

This is exactly what happened to our friend Jay. He found the new Motorola Opus One and just happened to have a working Boost Mobile SIM card. Here is his story:

I was in South Beach the other night and found this phone. I then notice it was a Nextel. I don’t own a Nextel but I put my Boost sim card on it and it worked perfectly then I notice that this phone has not been released yet. I wrote to Nextel letting them the situation and they replied the following.


Jay claims he actually got a response from Sprint and they confirmed it was a new phone. I find this a little hard to believe since carriers will never comment on unreleased products. Read it and see what you think. Real or fake?

Dear *******,

Thank you for contacting Sprint and showing interest in our products & services.

We are testing on it and hope to introduce this phone soon. Once it is launched, you will see promotional campaigns related to the launch date and the features of the handset on our Web site and other promotional media.

Please let us know if you would like us to assist you with anything else.

Perry K.Sprint

He then proceeds to upload four videos to YouTube of him playing with the phone. The device is identified as the upcoming Motorola Opus One and it is running MotoBlur powered by Android 1.5. The phone boots up with the Nextel logo, but most Sprint Nextel phones with direct connect are marketed under the Boost Mobile brand.

Watch his first video as he recaps his story and plays with the phone. I don’t think he has ever heard of Android, but he obviously thinks the phone is very cool.

Click here for the video…..

After making the videos, he then goes on to say he put the phone up for sale on Ebay and he thinks it was purchased by the person who lost it (for around $200-300 $850). I couldn’t find the Ebay auction, but maybe someone with some more time on their hands could locate it.

As crazy as the story sounds, I think the entire thing is actually believable. While some parts of it may have been exaggerated, this guy did find a Opus One and demonstrate it working on the Boost Mobile network. It looks like the device is pretty close to a final build and I would expect it to launch in the next couple of months.

Would anyone switch to Boost Mobile to get a cheap Android phone and their $50 unlimited service?

leave your comments…

[Via http://jdnews.wordpress.com]

Friday, December 11, 2009

Motorola: Brits buy boring.

Droid Does Stealth

So Motorola’s just started advertising the Droid in the UK. Except rather than ‘Droid’, as Motorola calls the phone in the US, our version is called ‘Milestone’. And instead of adverts showing stealth fighter planes bombing us with advanced technology, we get some voice-over lady telling us about ‘versatility’. Am I the only one who thinks we got the short straw?

(apologies if youtube pulls either of these.)

check out the US advert here.

check out the UK advert here.

Full disclosure as I start: I am an H G Wells fan, and any film that references The War of the Worlds would probably get my vote automatically. I’m not adverse to stealth jets either.  Honestly, the eight year-old in me thinks they’re actually rather awesome. So when I say that I think the US advert has its charms, I do have some less-than-formal reasons for doing so. However, our bland UK alternative leaves me feeling as if there’s more reasons for me to prefer the US’s version than simply its engagement with Michael Bay-esque boyish fantasy. These two adverts show a modern, useful consumer item being pitched in drastically different ways, and when that happens, it’s because somebody out there thinks that two groups of people buy for very different reasons.

I’m not going to get into the value of the US commercial. As much as I generally love US marketing strategies, quite a few of them would take a bit of time to logically justify (that recent Michael Bay ‘Victoria’s Secret’ ad springs to mind…). More interesting to me is the UK advert, and it’s attempt to basically pummel the viewer with a list of ‘features’. Roughly speaking, that list is:

  1. the phone’s ‘advanced’, allowing a ‘richer, deeper experience’
  2. connectivity: ‘connect in an instant’
  3. adapatable – it ‘gets smarter’
  4. it ‘knows where you are’
  5. it ‘understands what you want’
  6. runs android 2.0 (well, 2.1 pretty soon, but they don’t mention that)
  7. it has both real keyboard + virtual one on its touchscreen
  8. camera: ‘experience life clearer, wider, richer, the way it was meant to be seen’
  9. and in conclusion: it is ‘without compromise’

Now call me crazy, but i don’t really see any USP’s in that list, other than perhaps Android 2.0, and that point of difference is going to mean nothing by the time the phone goes mainstream in the UK. It’s not really the product’s fault; after all, the boys at Engadget called DROID ‘the best Android phone to date’ [read the full review here], and with a little work, it wouldn’t be too hard to pull this advert into meaningful differentiation info (i’d focus on Android and Google integration myself, maybe the screen res, maybe the 5mp camera over iPhone 3gS’s 3.1mp). But that’s not what the list achieves; rather than being informative, it’s over-long, verbose, full of ultimately meaningless assurances. The effect it has is pretty much the opposite of what it should have done: it makes you wonder if the ‘Milestone’ does, in fact, have anything going for it.

To make this point clearer, consider the ad in the context of some other recent phone marketing. Apple’s recent iPhone brand work in the UK has put a lot of focus on the App Store, such as this example from World of Apple. Now that, at least, is successfully identifying a point of difference, since no other service comes close to the volume of apps Apple’s got up on their store. HTC, in their own way, follow the same USP tactic; the whole ‘quietly brilliant’ campaign seems to reflect HTC’s focus on Android pretty well, identifying the OS’s somewhat-of-a-newcomer status and picking up on the general public tech sense that anything by Google must be pretty decent. Even when they move onto the whole interactivity aspect – ‘you don’t need to get a phone, you need a phone that gets you’ – they keep it satisfyingly focused, such as this example for the Hero [image from slashgear].What could Motorola have picked up from all these enemy broadcasts? If i wanted to point out the path to Motorola, i’d probably remind them that ‘Droid’ being the first proper Android 2.0 device was probably part of why they decided to brand it as ‘Milestone’ over here in Europe in the first place. So what happened to that? If they’d stuck to their guns and kept it simple, they’d have a pretty clear USP, at least for initial exposure.

Pulling back to what I was thinking about when I started writing this post, I have to wonder why Motorola decided to so drastically alter the presentation. I guess it’s probably different US and EMEA offices commissioning different campaigns, but i still feel that the stealth fighter jets would have been a better option. (Honestly: when are they not?) As gloriously ambiguous as the US ad is, at least it sticks to roughly one main point: Droid is the most advanced, future-proof phone on the market. If we try and presume that the last line of the Euro ad is the heavy hitter, then we have to try and work with its primary point being that it is a phone ‘without compromise’. That’s a hard pill to swallow. Without getting into it too much, how is a phone that offers both touch screen and actual keyboards not in some way a compromise? And when you consider that Android 2.1 is probably getting pushed out to the phone sometime in Q1 2010, it seems that the release OS was equally the result of pragmatism. Especially when we remember that – at the moment – there’s no Google Maps Navigation in Europe.

So what do i propose? As it is, we get a boring ad as well as an undersold product. No one wins there. So why not have more HG Wells, and more stealth fighter jets? At least then we’d get an enjoyable viewing experience. And whilst you’re there, bring back that Orange ad where Steven Seagal pitches a romcom to Orange by destroying a golf cart.


[edit: comment aside, the minimal initial indications are that Milestone is pre-ordering like hot cakes. We'll have to wait and see what happens with general release. Maybe Motorola's European taste sensors got the boring ad right?]

[Via http://thoughtsbyroland.wordpress.com]

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Bloggers, Help with Wireless Phone/Device Choice! DROID? Blackberry®?

It’s time for me to upgrade my ‘phone’. I am currently using Blackberry…happy with it. I am upgrading for a couple reasons 1) love new phones/devices 2) my phone gets abused #devicecarefail’

I would love love love for others to leave me their comments, opinions, experiences, etc., regarding Verizon’s options, only with phones NOT plans. There is so much to read, compare and/or chart on these, I just don’t have the time. Okay, #confession to me it feels like going back to school for only course I didn’t like Complex Analysis (Math 315)

NOOoooooo !!!!!

Peeps, please help me out?

DROID ? Blackberry® ? oiy! Check it !

 http://phones.verizonwireless.com/motorola/droid/   #imjustsayin ;D

Check it out. DROID by Motorola is fast. Like scary fast. You can blaze across the Web with a massive processor and Verizon’s powerful 3G network. You don’t even need to type! With Google Search™ by Voice, you just tell it what you want and DROID searches the Web to find it. You can switch between up to six apps at once! Choose a few (or a few hundred) from Android Market™ and try it yourself. DROID won’t bother you while you’re running those apps. It keeps disruptive alerts at bay in a handy expandable notification panel.
It’s a pint–sized power plant. It’s location–aware. Voice–recognizing. App–mashing and multi–tasking. It can see through walls. And connect you to anyone or anything at break–neck speed. At some point, power and intelligence mean something more than a phone. At some point, you have yourself a DROID by Motorola.

DROID is a trademark of Lucasfilm Ltd. and its related companies. Used under license.

or stick with….

BlackBerry® Storm2™ 9550 smartphone ?
BlackBerry® Tour™ 9630 smartphone ?

aaah…good ‘ol Mashable aka @mashable on Twitter .  His blog really helped! http://mashable.com/2009/10/29/droid-vs-iphone/

[Via http://dawnspitfire.wordpress.com]

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Break out your Android goggles for Google Visual Search

Google Visual Search is coming to Android. Hartmut Neven, Google Product Manage, revealed the new application during a recent CNBC special “Inside the Mind of Google“. The service allows users to take pictures of real world objects and generate a Google search related to the item. The technology uses visual recognition engines and location based services to provide accurate results.

Mr. Neven gave several examples of how the service could be used such as:

“Imagine you are on travel in Paris and you visit a museum. If a picture catches your attention you can simply take a photo and send it to the VMS service. Within seconds you will receive an audio-visual narrative explaining the image to you. If you happen to be connected to a 3G network the response time would be below a second. After the museum visit you might step outside and see a coffeehouse.”

We have been speculating that Google could offer free VOIP calling service when they launch their own phone next year and this is another example of how they could monetize the service. Google’s recent acquisition of Admob is going to be key in their mobile advertising ambitions.

I was unable to find a video of the Google Visual Search demo, but they had a short clip talking about Android. Most of the footage is from this year’s Google I/O. I was actually in the same room with Sergey Brin on some of those shots and I half expected to see myself in some of the clips, but no luck.

[Via http://jdnews.wordpress.com]

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Purported Motorola Droid Prototype Ends Up On eBay

Wishing you could get a Motorola Droid and stand out from all your Android-toting friends at the same time? Then you might just want to consider bidding on this “limited edition” Droid prototype that just turned up on eBay, which has a reasonably good chance of being an actual Droid, and a slight chance of being an actual prototype. If the seller is to be believed, however, this particular Droid is one of only five produced, and is different from the standard issue Droid in a few respects — including a chrome bezel instead of a black one, silver buttons instead of gold, and some “enhanced LED lighting” on the front buttons. It also apparently works just fine, and is ready to be activated. Willing to take the chance? Bidding starts at $485.

found @ www.endgadget.com

[Via http://addicts4gadgets.wordpress.com]

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Motorola Motus specs leaked, headed for AT&T?

Slowly but surely, the Motorola Motus is coming into focus — sort of. Hot on the heels of that super blurry shot we saw yesterday, BGR has some specs for the mid-range Android set, which seem to indicate this one’s not much more than an AT&T-oriented variant of the Cliq: 850 / 1900 / 2100MHz 7.2Mbps HSDPA, 3.1-inch capacitive 480 x 320 display, microSD expansion, MOTOBLUR, and a Qualcomm MSM 7201A CPU, which will undoubtedly be clocked at 528MHz. Unfortunately, there’s no word on what version of Android is on this thing, but we’ve got the sinking feeling it’ll be 1.6, given the last-gen hardware and Blur UI. Not the most impressive first Android set for AT&T — let’s hope there’s a better surprise in store.

[Via http://gadgetnational.com]

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Motorola and AT&T Customer Service Experience

Last night and this morning I had the chance to deal with both Motorola and AT&T customer services.  It’s an interesting comparison.

My wife’s new phone wasn’t functioning properly when we got it via UPS, so we did our due diligence with it before calling Motorola.  This included using the instructions that came with the phone and using various online sites to no avail.

I called Motorola last night from a land line an hour and a half before their closing time.  Four dropped calls in an hour and I finally gave up for the night.  One even lasted 18.5 minutes.  What a waste of time.

This morning I got through on the second call, but it wasn’t all good.  I had difficulty understanding her.  It wasn’t her accent that was so bad, I mean ever try listening to someone from New Orleans or Boston?  The problem was the volume her voice came through.  I cranked the handset volume all the way up and I just continued to struggle hearing her.  Low volume international accent ridden calls just suck.  “Excuse me”, “huh”, “what was that”, ” could you repeat that”.  Sheeze, what a pain.

Plus the lady was robotic.  There was nothing in her voice to indicate anything what-so-ever.

Eventually the lady on the other end of the phone had me jump through some hoops with the phone and came to the realization she couldn’t help me.

In the end Motorola told me to contact AT&T.  So I called them and lo-and-behold the gal was in Oklahoma City!  I could hear her fine and better yet, we could understand each other.  Heck, I had a real person on the phone in just a couple of minutes.  Customer service nirvana.

I told her the problem and my experience with Motorola and she set me right up.  She could send me a new phone or I could stop by the store and pick one up.  I picked one up at the Virginia Beach Blvd location near Princess Anne High School.  Todd was very helpful, even downloading an app for me to check out.

Oh yeah, the AT&T phone rep even did me one better.  I told her since I’ve been such a loyal customer I should get a free phone.  Guess what, I’m getting one!  Exactly what I wanted, too.

I know it doesn’t sound like much, but being able to understand and hear the person you’re talking to really does make a difference.  While talking to the Motorola rep I was in pain, but it was a pleasure speaking to the AT&T rep.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Martin Cooper: el móvil es tu mejor amigo

Ha sido galardonado con el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de Investigación Científica y Técnica 2009, compartido con Ray Tomlinson, inventor del correo electrónico.

¿ Quien es Martin Cooper ?

Hola, ¿ Esta Dios ?

Martin Cooper (nacido en 1928, en Chicago, Illinois) es considerado el padre del teléfono móvil. Cooper es el CEO y fundador de ArrayComm, una compañía que trabaja en la investigación de antena inteligente y la mejora de la tecnología inalámbrica redes, y fue el director corporativo de Investigación y Desarrollo de Motorola.

Veamos unas declaraciones que hizo hace poquito.

El iluminado que veis en el vídeo, empieza contándonos una bromita, que se contaban el y sus amigos, hace unos añitos.

Que cuando cada niño naciera se le asignaría un número telefónico y se no contestaba es porque ya se había muerto.

¿ Pilláis la broma ?


¿ Que son las antenas “inteligentes” ?

Bueno el viejo lo explica bastante bien, creo que a todos nos ha quedado claro.

Un vídeo explicativo:

Bueno que me pierdo….

Este tio nos cuenta que el móvil nos hará vivir más, mejor, y que sera nuestra salvación.

Y tarataratararatarara….

Vamos: Móvil= Dios
Ya nadie recuerda, incluso a mi me cuesta recordar, si verdaderamente existió una época donde no existían los moviles ( mis recuerdos se esfuman ), el móvil es el chip del futuro, toda las aplicaciones que se irán adheriendo, acabaran convirtiendolo en el verdadero chip de vigilancia, por que seamos sinceros, que necesidad hay de obligar ha inyectartelo, cuando la misma tecnología acabara formando parte de tu cuerpo, primero de forma superficial para adoctrinarte, y luego de manera más directa, cuando forme parte una moda.

Motorola imagina el celular del "futuro"

Olvidense de chips en vacunas, o tirados desde chemtrails, (aunque no dudo que hay experimentos, o empresas que lo utilizen ), el verdadero chip, el que contara tus pedos, y todos tus movimientos, sera integrado en ti mediante el avance tecnológico, sin obligarte, mediante modas, seras tú el que lo desees, el que desees formar parte de la señal, seras tú el que desees ser el móvil del futuro.

¿Preparado para la modificación de vuestro ADN, Dioses del futuro….?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pestele mare cumpara pestele mic

Cand esti mic te bati cu cei mici. Cand esti mare te bati cu cei mari. E una din regulile nescrise ale business-ului. Dar fie ca esti mic sau mare vrei sa devii si mai mare. Cresterea organica, pas cu pas, nu mai e suficienta. Si atunci faci achizitii. Pentru a-ti largi aria de distributie, pentru a-ti creste competentele, pentru a-ti mari portofoliul de produse sau in cazul gigantilor, solutiile.

Este cazul HP care a facut un anunt de preluare a altei companii americane, 3Com. Conducerile celor doua firme au batut deja palma, mai ramane ca tranzactia sa fie aprobata de actionari, lucru care se va intampla fara indoiala. Miscarea HP este normala si va permite nu doar largirea portofoliului HP de la calculatoare, servere, imprimante si servicii IT catre echipamente de retea – routere si switch-uri, dar ii va permite si atacarea cu sanse mai mari de succes a imensei piete chineze.

Largirea portofoliului HP va ascuti lupta acestuia cu Cisco, alt gigant venit din retelistica si care anul acesta a intrat in segmentul serverelor, dominat in mod traditional de HP. Intrarea fiecareia din cele doua companii pe teritoriul celeilalte arata necesitatea diversificarii surselor de venit dar mai ales confirma convergenta solutiilor si tendinta de a oferi pachetul complet de produse hardware si servicii.

Pe de alta parte China nu a fost niciodata un punct forte in business-ul HP in timp ce pentru 3Com mai mult de jumatate din venituri vin de pe piata chineza in plina dezvoltare iar canalele de distributie sunt foarte dezvoltate. Achizitia va reprezenta deci o noua fundatie pentru extinderea operatiunilor HP in China.

Interconectarea echipamentelor devine noul camp de lupta in comunicatii si IT, HP nefiind singura care cumpara. La randul ei Cisco a preluat anul acesta o firma producatoare de echipamente pentru videoconferinte iar Motorola cauta inca un cumparator pentru divizia sa de echipamente de retea pentru operatorii de telecomunicatii.

Got Droid? Need Multi Touch, Better Battery Life And YouTube Videos? We have it!

Did you purchase your Motorola Droid and already downloaded a ton of apps? Are you just loving the beautiful screen? But are you have some issues with no Multi Touch, poor batter life and bad quality YouTube videos? Well below we have come across three videos for you to watch, listen, learn and implement on your new Droid.So what are you waiting for? You know you want to watch.

[via GuyFromQueens]

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Droid's Opening Weekend Solid, But Not in iPhone Territory

Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the past several weeks, you’ve no doubt been bombarded with the heavy marketing surrounding the new Droid smartphone. Today, TheAppleBlog has a good analysis of the first weekend of sales for the Droid — in which 100,000 units moved — compared with the weekend openings of the iPhone, the iPhone 3GS, and the Palm Pre. In short, the Droid did well, but nowhere near the iPhone releases. The numbers are collected in the chart below. Check Stacey’s thoughts from earlier today as well as TheAppleBlog’s analysis here.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Motorola Droid 리뷰 모음 "한마디로 끝내주는 폰"

(Mashable의 “Verizon Droid Meta-Review: “A Killer Phone” 기사를 참고하여 작성한 글입니다.)

돌아온 장고, 모토롤라가 내놓은 회심의 역작 ‘드로이드’로 한 주 내내 시끄러웠던 (미국) 온라인이었던 것 같습니다. 주로 이런 내용들 때문에 화제가 된 듯 합니다.

  • 모토롤라의 절치부심 이후 최고의 멤버들이 모여서 내놓은 첫 모델 (“드로이드가 모토롤라를 다시 살릴 수 있을 것인가?” 참조)
  • 미국 제1위의 통신업체 Verizon이 ‘역대 최고의 마케팅을 펼치겠다‘고 선언
  • 구글도 출시에 때맞춰 구글내비게이션 무료 발표
  • 멋진 HW스펙: 속도, 오디오품질, 고해상도 액정, 멀티태스킹, 도킹, 쿼티자판 등등등등
  • 안드로이드 2.0이 탑재된 최초의 폰
  • iDon’t 캠페인에 대항하는 iDon’t care 캠페인
    모토랄라는 아이폰을 직접 겨냥하는 적극적마케팅으로 일단 ‘아이폰과 경쟁할 만한 폰’이라는 인식을 심어주는 데는 성공한 것 같습니다.

이에 많은 주요 해외매체들이 드로이드에 대한 벤치마킹 및 리뷰 기사를 실었지요. 읿부는 아이폰과 비교를 하기도 했구요.
그 많은 기사를 다 올릴 수는 없고, 결론 부분만 올립니다. 자세한 내용을 원하시면 제목을 클릭하시면 원문사이트에서 보실 수 있습니다.


“드로이드는 스마트폰 사용자가 원하는 기능을 대부분 갖춘 갖춘 훌륭한 폰으로 현재 Verizon망 사용자에게는 최고의 선택. 결국 기존의 ‘일반적인’ 아이폰 사용자들을 당장 뺏아오기에는 어려워 보이나 많은 스마트폰 애호가에는 큰 기쁨을 줄 수 있는 전화기.”

Boy Genius Report:
“우리는 모토롤라 드로이드에 완전히 매료되었다. 끝내주는 하드웨어에 죽여주는 소프트웨어에 가장 훌륭한 이통망을 갖고 있는 진짜 대단한 놈이다. 하지만 모든 사람들에게 다 추천할 만한 넘은 아니다. 사용자 편의성 측면에서 최고의 폰이 아니며 이를 개선하여 모바일 시장에서 제대로 한 판 붙으려면 시간이 걸릴 것으로 예상”

“복잡하게 생각할 것 없어요. 아이폰을 안 사실 거면 드로이드를 사세요.  Verizon망에서는 최고의 폰입니다. 안드로이드 2.0까지 깔려있죠. 드로이드는 2번째로 좋은 훌륭한 스마트폰입니다. 어떤 측면에서 볼 때 결점이 없는 폰은 아니지만 제1의 이통망에서 사용할 수 있는 제2의 전화기라는 건 확실합니다.”

David Pogue (The New York Times): “Verizon이 ‘드로이드 대 아이폰’의 맞짱을(?) 원하는 것 같으니 이렇게 말씀드리죠. 드로이드는 이통사, 커스터마이징, GPS내비게이션, 스피커, 하드웨어키보드, 탈착식 배터리와 개방성 (오픈소스OS, 검열이 거의 없는 앱스토어)에 강점을 갖고 있고, 아이폰은 단순, 세련미, 두께, 디자인, 웹브라이징, 컴퓨터와 음악/비디오 동기화, 악세사리 마켓, 양질의 앱들이 가득한 앱스토어가 강점입니다. 뭘 사던, 어쨌든 만족할 거에요”

Walt Mossberg (The Wall Street Journal): Verizon의 빠른 3G망을 사용하는 충성도 높은 고객층들은 AT&T의 아이폰을 보고 부러움의 시선을 보내고 있었으나 이제 Verizon에도 아이폰에 견줄 만한 폰이 나왔다고 결론. 안드로이드가 작동하는 폰 중에서 최고의 폰이며 Verizon에서 내놓은 폰 중 최고의 폰이라고 의미 부여.

CNet: “디자인적인 약간의 이슈와 멀티미디어에 약간의 논란은 있다고 하나 모토롤라 드로이드는 현재까지 출시된 구글 안드로이드 단말기 중 가장 강력하고 빠른 넘이다 안드로이드의 개방성을 충분히 수용하고 있고 분명히 Verizon 사용자들도 아이폰 수준의 스마트폰을 사용할 수 있게 된 것.”

LA Times: “모토롤라 드로이드는 시장에 나와 있는 폰 중 최고의 구글 폰이다. 드로이드는 Verizon에서는 최고의 폰이며 이는 최소 몇 달 간은 지속이 될 전망이다.”

Tech Crunch (Round 1):
GPS, 음성조작, 연락처, 통화품질 등 여러 면에서 드로이드와 아이폰은 비슷하거나 드로이드가 조금 나은 것 같다. 그러나 드로이드를 누구에게나 추천해 주기는 어려울 것 같다. 일반인들에게는 아이폰을, 컴퓨터/스마트폰 애호가, 얼리어댑터 같은 사람들에게는 드로이드를 권하고 싶다. 뭘 선택하더라도 좋은 선택!

Tech Crunch (Round 2):
테스트는 했으나 결론은 같다는 얘기.

*참고: 가격, 및 하드웨어 비교 차트 Droid vs iPhone: The Comparison Chart

크리스옵퐈의 결론: 내가 뭘 봐야 알지. -.,-;;

위의 얘기들은 결국은 미국 얘기고, 그래서 우리 손에는 언제 들어오느냐인데..
어떤 분들은 아이폰의 전철을 밟아 안드로이드폰은 안드로오는 거 아니냐는 섣부른 전망을 내놓으시기도 하십니다만, ^^ 정통한 소식통에 따르면 내년 1월 늦어도 2월 정도면 이 폰을 우리나라에서도 만날 수 있을 것 으로 보입니다. (출시 전망 참조)

저희도 아이폰이냐 드로이드냐 고민 좀 하게 해주세요, 제발~~


Saturday, November 7, 2009

Google coloca anúncio do Motorola Droid em sua página inicial

O Google colocou nesta sexta-feira uma propaganda para o recém-lançado Motorola Droid na página inicial do site Google.com, algo que a gigante de buscas raramente faz. O anúncio é simplesmente o texto “Novo! O Droid agora está à venda. Saiba mais.”, com um link para uma página promovendo o Droid.

Como disse, é muito raro ver o Google colocar um anúncio em sua homepage (isto só aconteceu com o Firefox e o Chrome), e o mais estranho será ver a reação da HTC, que também está lançando o seu smartphone Droid Eris hoje.

por Guilherme Cherman em 6 de novembro, 2009

Droid Is Here! Droid vs. iPhone

The Motorola Droid is an Android-based smartphone by Motorola distributed by Verizon Wireless in the US. Today, November 6, 2009 the Droid and HTC Droid Eris were launched. The Droid is said to be an “iPhone Killer” just as others like the T-Mobile G1, Palm Pre, Blackberry Storm and many others have tried and failed to do. The Droid features a stunning 5 mega-pixel camera with auto focus flash stills and video recording, an interchangeable battery, a 3.7-inch 854 x 480 touchscreen, full slide out QWERTY keyboard, turn-by-turn Google Maps navigation, and a Texas Instruments OMAP 3430 processor.

Droid vs. iPhone: iPhone Killer Or Not?

As for the specs, the Droid stacks up very nicely to the iPhone 3G S. The Droid runs the new Android 2.0 software and features a selection of apps developed by the Android SDK developers. The app store is still developing and is nothing close to the iTunes App Store. The camera is 5 mega-pixels, which trumps the iPhone’s measly 3 mega-pixel camera. The Droid has still picture taking with auto focus and flash, as well as video recording at 30 FPS. The iPhone has auto focus and flash and video recording at 3o FPS. Both the Droid and iPhone can upload to YouTube. The Android app store, is not anything close to the iTunes App Store, which is a very developed and advanced store. The Android one does have a small variety of games and apps, notably Midomi and Shazam.

Who Wins?

So, overall I think that at this point, the iPhone 3G S is better. It is better for the fact that, it is more developed and advanced. The Droid is very good, but not quite there. It could be battling for number 2 behind the Pal Pre by Sprint.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Droid Does!(iPhone doesn't)

The iPhone was officially released in mid 2007. In two and half years, it has captured the fanfare and frenzy of the device and telecom geeks acquiring the status of an Icon and fuelling Apple’s growth story.

There have been many challengers from Samsung, HTC, Sony Ericsson, Nokia and others, but iPhone has held its ground because it combines a glitzy UI, a remarkable device and a 100 thousand strong applications store to its strength. That doesnot stop the challengers from take shots at the frailties of the iPhone.

One of the strongest challenge to iPhone yet is the upcoming Motorola Droid on the Verizon Network and backed by the new Android OS 2.0 (Eclair). That is a strong proposition and they have their sights set on iPhone if the “Droid Does” campaign is to seen. Watch the video here.


The latest in this round is the Droid stealth commercial which is an announcer of the launch date amidst a hyper technology scenario. Catch the video here!

What the “Droid does” to the “iPhone” will be an interesting thing to watch. Watch this space.

Read more about the Droid here! http://ronnie05.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/1141u/

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Are the Downsides to Droid?

Verizon Wireless is ramping up for Friday’s launch of the Motorola Droid, and the device has created substantial buzz, thanks to generally positive reviews and the carrier’s big-budget marketing campaign. But some users — including Om — say the handset has been overhyped and is no threat to the iPhone. The Droid does have a few noticeable shortcomings, including:

  • Accessing the Droid’s built-in support for Microsoft (s msft) Exchange ActiveSync will cost users an additional $15 a month. While the charge isn’t new — Verizon has long charged BlackBerry users a tacked-on fee, and AT&T (s t) and T-Mobile USA have similar plans — it could hinder the gadget’s uptake among business users.
  • Like other Android gadgets, the Droid’s app storage is limited to a meager 256MB. Yes, it comes with a 16GB SD card that can be replaced with a 32GB card, but there’s likely to be some backlash from consumers who’ve never used removable memory before.
  • The Droid’s browser is inferior to the iPhone 3.1 Safari browser, according to MobileCrunch, with slower page loads and slightly less compliance to web standards.
  • While the European version of the Droid — which is dubbed the Milestone — features a multitouch screen, the U.S. version does not, eliminating the ability for users to pinch and zoom as they can on the iPhone.

None of these shortcomings are particularly damning, of course, and I expect the Droid to sell well this holiday season. But there’s certainly some fodder here for Apple to fire back with a “Droid doesn’t” commercial or two.

Android Smartphone sales building up steam?

Recently the blogosphere has gone a bit crazy, excuse my lack of hyperbole about the Android platform. Was this ‘Android’ supposed to do battle with the iPhone?

Just because no operators or manufacturers have openly commented about their smart phone sales figures doesn’t mean its bad news. Looking at the number of Android powered phones out now or due in the next 2 months shows a lot of promise

  • HTC Hero – some bloggers say it’s the best Android yet
  • G1 – the funny one with the flip out keyboard, still only with T-Mobile
  • Magic – Vodafone took this and the Android platform global
  • HTC Tattoo – out this week
  • Motorola DEXT – a lifesaver for Motorola – probably the phone that stops a sinking ship. Reviewers go crazy about its Moto Blur interface

As well we know that Sony Ericsson has an Android phone coming and the other manufacturers have been toying with this platform.

As far as smartphones go though – Nokia admitted this week they have lost some of their steam – losing out to Apple and not being able to come up with a device that is just as iconic. Sales figures for Q2 2009 still show Blackberry as the most popular.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Android This Week: Droid Lands on Verizon; Google Adds Navigation

The big announcement in the Android world this week was the official release of Motorola’s (s mot) Droid on the Verizon (s vz) network. The Droid is the first Android phone for Verizon, and the carrier is throwing a lot of advertising weight behind the launch. GigaOM has a Droid for review, so look for continued coverage of it here. The handset is almost as thin as the iPhone, but it brings a physical keyboard into the mix, something Apple’s (s aapl) handset lacks. The next version of Android, 2.0, is standard on the Droid, making it the first phone with the new OS.

The announcement coincided with a report Wednesday that Google Maps is gaining turn-by-turn navigation capabilities. Google Map Navigation will originally be released for Android 2.0, ensuring that the search giant takes care of its own business first and foremost. The features rival those of dedicated navigation devices — and even surpass them with the ability to display the route in either satellite or street view. Street view users can see how upcoming turns will look by seeing the route superimposed over a photo of the actual intersection. Following the announcement, the stock prices for some of the major navigation device makers took a dive.

Also this week, a few details about another Android phone emerged. The Droid Eris by HTC is expected to be Verizon’s second phone with the OS. The Eris lacks a keyboard and appears to be a more budget-friendly phone. If rumors prove accurate, the Eris will be released shortly after the Droid, so there won’t be long to wait.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Google introduces free GPS

With the release of the Droid from partners Verizon and Motorola comes with something unseen in mobile phones.  A service that’s free.  Google just introduced a service on the droid to provide free turn by turn directions.  With the announcement, the stock prices of both Garmin and Tom Tom tumbled.  Both Garmin and Tom Tom provide gps navigation but with a fee.

The service brings features never seen on any gps system.  The free service from Google, allows for turn by turn direction in conjunction with street view so that you can actually see the intersection that you’re supposed to turn on.  Sometimes its difficult to even follow turn by turn directions by looking at a surface map but with having a visual of the actual intersection, getting lost will be a thing of the past.

The gps system that Google is bringing to the Droid may be available of the Apple iPhone however executives from Apple may think otherwise.  Apple has recently acquired a mapping company that may be enhanced features to its own turn by turn gps navigation.

Motorola develops totally Wi-Fi campus at Lewis University

By Anna Marie Kukec | Daily Herald Columnist
Published: 4/3/2009 10:47 AM

Lewis University

Daily Hareld

Schaumburg-based Motorola Inc. combined some of its key wireless network products to create an all-WiFi campus at Lewis University in Romeoville.

The campus is perhaps the first in the nation to have wireless, high-speed broadband both inside and outside its buildings, reaching out to its outdoor sporting events as well as its own airport.

It’s also the first time Motorola combined some of its industry-known products, such as Mesh, wireless connectivity for governments and the public sector, and its recently acquired AirDefense wireless security to cover the entire campus.

“At the end of the day, it’s about access for people where those people are,” said Tim Mason, Motorola senior director of wireless broadband in Schaumburg.

Lewis University officials felt something was needed, especially since its current wireless system was outdated and unreliable, and it didn’t meet the needs of the incoming wave of new students. So it enlisted Motorola along with wireless service provider Scientel Wireless.

“In today’s competitive, quickly evolving education environment, it is crucial to provide high-speed wireless Internet access in every part of the campus,” Lewis University President Brother James Gaffney said in a statement.

It also was necessary to not only connect students and teachers, but to provide full services for data, video and voice applications. The new network also serves as a backup to the university’s wired infrastructure, Mason said.

“If they had clouds or wind or when the trees changed with the season, the outside elements all changed the game a bit,” Mason said.

So Motorola combined its products, coupled with AirDefense, which offers wireless security to repel hackers.

Now, students or faculty can open their laptops anywhere on campus, inside or outside the classroom, and connect to the Wi-Fi network, Mason said.

Motorola aims to market similar Wi-Fi systems for other universities, Mason said.

“The benefits are so great and this offers a blueprint,” Mason said. “It’s not as cumbersome or expensive either.”

Surfing: The Greater Aurora Chamber of Commerce has created a profile on Twitter with the username “AuroraILChamber.” The group is using Twitter to tout its business news and events.

• Verizon Wireless, which has its Midwest headquarters in Schaumburg, is joining the Joint Innovation Lab established by China Mobile, Softbank and Vodafone to help create mobile technologies for the mass market. They’re focusing on creating a global platform for mobile widgets, which will enhance the mobile Internet for smartphones as well as some handsets that are on multiple operating systems.

• Chicago-based GenXpense.com offers Generations X and Y a change to keep up on their finances with its educational resources.

• AT&T, which has its Midwest headquarters in Hoffman Estates, said its U-verse TV, Internet and Voice services are now available to more than 1 million of what the company called “living units” around the Chicago and suburban area. Living units – formerly known as households.

Motorola Droid

The Motorola Droid ($200; November 6) is Verizon’s newest iPhone competitor, and the star of its new iDon’t advertising campaign. Apart from being the first device to debut running Android 2.0 — complete with the all-new Google Maps Navigation — it including an ARM Cortex A8 processor, a 3.7-inch, 480×854 touch screen, a 5 megapixel camera with dual-LED flash, Bluetooth, GPS, a slide-out keyboard, an included 16GB SD card, and more.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Celular Motorola Rokr EM25

Quero dizer os prós e contras deste celular. Que na minha opinião tem mais contras do que prós.


  • Carregador USB (não proprietário)
  • Fone de ouvido P2 (não proprietário)
  • Câmera de 1.3 Megapixels embutida
  • Não precisa instalar nada – nenhum software ou driver – para fazer o PC se comunicar com o celular. Ao menos não no Windows XP Professional SP2.


  • Interface não intuitiva. Menus são difíceis de navegar.
  • BUG: quando você quer ver a hora enquanto uma música está tocando e a música acaba ele sai dos menus de música. Você tem que navegar novamente até eles.
  • BUG: eu coloquei mais de 1.000 ringtones no meu celular e agora ele não quer mais mostrá-las para mim. Listagem de arquivos muito grande.
  • Não descobri uma forma de descarregar as fotos dele pro meu PC.
  • Não possui cronômetro.
  • Quando você escreve um SMS para alguém e ele não tem sinal ele não deixa salvar o SMS como rascunho. Sabe lá Deus porque.
  • Poucos modos de alarme.

Por este motivo eu me arrependi de ter comprado este celular que é muito caro e oferece pouco em troca. Minha recomendação é passem LONGE da marca MOTOROLA.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


A troupe Downloadsof little ballerinas showed off their fancy footwork as they performed for Affiliates(and then swarmed) David Beckham during the First Namelaunch of the Motorola Razr 2 V8 in Beijing on November 24.Isla is so
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Droid Does

Eu particularmente adoro campanhas em que os concorrentes se estapeiam, principalmente quando isso é feito com elegância. Inclusive sinto uma enorme falta desse tempero especial na nossa propaganda, mas, com o Conar e todos os santos (do pau oco!) no Brasil, fica um pouco difícil.

Mas é justamente sobre uma ação DUCA que eu quero falar hoje. A Motorola vai lançar um novo aparelho, ao qual deu o singelo nome de Droid. Bom, uma introdução é necessária, já que todos meus aparelhos sempre foram Motorola, e eu sou o maior dos críticos, só para ninguém pensar que é uma puxação de saco. Voltando. Para gerar expectativa, aquele buzz bacana, e obviamente chamar a atenção para o produto, a Motorola adotou a estratégia de cutucar o maior concorrente: ninguém menos que a Apple e o mundiamente consagrado iPhone.

A cotovelada (cutucão é muito sutíl para o que fizeram com esta ação), segue o estilo você-sabe-de-quem-estou-falando, mas de maneira milimétricamente calculada: o início do vídeo tem a mesma linguagem visual dos comerciais da Apple (incluindo a fonte Myriad Pro Semibold e uma trilha toda bacaninha, jovem e hype) e uma “listinha” de coisas que o iPhone não faria.

Na página teaser do produto (http://www.droiddoes.com) você pode cadastrar seu email e tentar decodificar a contagem regressiva ao estilo Predador até o dia 31 de outubro.

Motorola Droid

Você trocaria seu iPhone por um desses?

New Motorola SMART Branch Wireless Solutions Disrupt High Cost of 802.11n Networking

Powerful AP650 802.11n access point and multi-function RFS4000 802.11n integrated services controller set low-cost benchmark for enterprise-class 802.11n networks at branch or remote locations

October 19, 2009

SAN JOSE, Calif. – October 19, 2009 – The Enterprise Mobility Solutions business unit of Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT), today announced two additions to its enterprise-class 802.11n wireless LAN (WLAN) SMART Branch portfolio – the powerful dual-radio AP650 802.11n access point and the RFS4000 802.11n integrated services controller with an optional integrated dual-radio 802.11n access point (AP). Each of these solutions offers ease of use, a rich integrated feature set and pricing that enables more companies to deploy and maintain high-performance 802.11n wireless networks in remote facilities, both large and small.

“Motorola is right-sizing the cost of 802.11n wireless LANs, so customers can deploy an enterprise-class access point for less than $500 each without sacrificing performance, reliability or security features,” said Darryl Morin, president and chief executive officer, Advanced Wireless, Inc. “What really sets the SMART Branch apart is the ability to run troubleshooting, spectrum analysis and even intrusion prevention from any AP in the network so IT can dramatically improve user support, network visibility and security.”

Motorola’s SMART Branch portfolio includes WLAN, management and complementary solutions that revolutionize the economics of 802.11n networking. SMART Branch solutions make it easy for remote IT departments to operate just as if they have an IT expert in every branch, resulting in wireless networks that are fast, secure and simple to deploy, users that are always on, and technical support that is immediate and effective.

“Recent ratification of the 802.11n standard and the growing interest from both small and large organizations to leverage mobility applications throughout their operations are helping accelerate the adoption of high-performance wireless LANs beyond the headquarters,” said Phil Solis, practice director, Wireless Connectivity, ABI Research. “While many organizations see the benefits enterprise mobility offers, they are concerned with the high cost of deploying and managing a distributed wireless network, and seek solutions that offer full functionality, security and services while helping drive down on going operational and maintenance costs.”

AP650 802.11n Thin Access Point
The powerful dual-radio Motorola AP650 thin multi-purpose access point offers a 2 x 3 MIMO with 24 dBm radios. List prices start at $495, so the cost of deploying 802.11n networks is reduced without compromising performance. The AP650 is controller-managed and offers all Motorola Wireless Next Generation (Wi-NG) operating system features, including SMART RF, security and plug-and-play (zero-touch) installation. Its multi-purpose capability allows IT departments to enable one radio for networking and another for sensing, so any dual-radio AP650 can support simultaneous access and services, including Motorola AirDefense intrusion prevention, advanced troubleshooting or vulnerability assessment solutions. Because the AP650’s frequency bands are unlocked, a single radio can monitor both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz frequency bands concurrently for complete 802.11n vigilance and visibility. In addition, the AP650 offers 100 percent performance using standard Power-over-Ethernet (PoE), eliminating the need for costly infrastructure upgrades.

RFS4000 802.11n Integrated Services Controller
The RFS4000 802.11n integrated services controller integrates wired, wireless and security networking features into a compact and easy-to-use form factor, enabling organizations to create survivable branch networks using a single platform. The RFS4000 is also available with an integrated dual-radio 802.11n access point, which features powerful 3 x 3 MIMO with 27.7 dBm dual-band 802.11n radios for extensive coverage and performance. The wireless services controller’s multi-purpose capability allows IT staff to enable one radio for networking and the other for sensing, so the RFS4000 can support simultaneous access and services that include Motorola AirDefense intrusion prevention, advanced troubleshooting and vulnerability assessment. In addition, the frequency bands are unlocked so a single radio can monitor both 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz frequency bands concurrently for complete 802.11n vigilance and visibility. A distributed enterprise with RFS4000 services controllers in multiple branch offices can leverage Motorola’s RF Management System (RFMS) to enable central management, monitoring and policy compliance across the entire network.

Beyond offering rich wired and wireless networking and security services, the RFS4000 also delivers robust application services, including voice-over-WLAN (VoWLAN), video conferencing and video surveillance, locationing (Wi-Fi and RFID) and 3G backhaul via an express card slot. List pricing for the RFS4000 starts at $1,299.

“Working closely with customers and partners in the enterprise and government markets, Motorola recognizes the need for wireless infrastructure solutions that help them take advantage of new business opportunities while minimizing the total cost of ownership for these capital investments,” said Bob Sanders, corporate vice president and general manager for Wireless Network Solutions, Motorola Enterprise Mobility Solutions. “By expanding and strengthening the SMART Branch portfolio, Motorola is providing its customers and partners with solutions that make extending enterprise mobility applications and services affordable and hassle-free.”

Motorola relies on a worldwide network of best-in-class partners to deliver enterprise mobility solutions that provide real-time information for better decisions and better results. With a level of industry experience and business acumen that can only be garnered through in-the-field experience, our partners can add significant value to enterprise mobility solutions. The AP650 and RFS4000 will be available worldwide through Motorola channel partners and Motorola sales in the fourth quarter of 2009.

Motorola delivers seamless connectivity that puts real-time information in the hands of users, which gives customers the agility they need to grow their business or better serve and protect the public. Working seamlessly together with its world-class devices, Motorola’s unrivaled wireless network solutions include indoor wireless LAN, outdoor wireless mesh, point-to-multipoint, point-to-point networks and voice-over-WLAN solutions. Combined with powerful software tools for wireless network design, best-of-breed security, management and troubleshooting, Motorola’s solutions deliver trusted networking and access anywhere to organizations across the globe.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Verizon's anti-iPhone gets its first commercial: 'Droid Does'

The 30 second clip reels off a number of things that the iPhone can’t do, and then abruptly goes into full-on tease mode by flashing glimpses of a robot-controlled future and a tagline that simply states: “Droid Does.” No shots of the actual Motorola Droid (or Sholes, as it was known in the past) are shown, but a dedicated teaser portal has already been erected; through that, we’re told that the phone will boast Android 2.0 and a 5 megapixel camera. At this point, we’d say the gloves are definitely off — AT&T, have anything to say for yourself, or is the iPhone doing just fine on its own?

What does this accomplish?

Verizon released a new commercial tonight about their new smartphone by Motorola that will be known as the Droid. The commercial doesn’t show any kind of phone and it doesn’t even mention Verizon. Check out the video below and let me know what you think, cause I’m seeing people believe this is a movie and not a smartphone.

Related articles by Zemanta
  • Motorola Droid (alias Sholes) finally gets a decent headshot (engadget.com)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Verizon Wireless realizing people like phones?

The Big Red is stepping up its phone game.

It’s no secret that when it comes to US cell phone carriers, Verizon wireless is king. Not having Verizon is to be out of the loop. What?! You have AT&T? How am I supposed to tell if you got my texts, there’s no check mark!?

However when it comes to its actual phone lineup, the king isn’t really the king.

Verizon consistently loses exclusivity deals on shiny new phones to competitor carriers. The most obvious being the Iphone and AT&T. It doesn’t stop with Apple’s baby though. The Palm Pre is exclusive to Sprint for the time being; even T-mobile and the G1 scored the first Android phone before Verizon. RIM and their Blackberry(s) are Verizon’s only real heavy hitters in the Smartphone market. Even so their flagship phone on Verizon, the Storm, did not impress.

Verizon’s focus over the years has consistently been on its network as opposed to its actual phones, and recently the Basking Ridge NJ based company has pretty much admitted that the network is their priority.

Oh how things can change quickly.

The Palm Pre is widely regarded as one of the only Iphone competitors and it’s coming to Verizon early next year.

Verizon and Google have partnered to bring Android devices to the carrier, starting with the Motorola Sholes and HTC’s Hero.

The new Blackberry Storm 2 is releasing this holiday on Verizon and has been met with much more favorable reviews than its predecessor.

Even the Iphone won’t be exclusive to AT&T forever, and now Verizon customers finally have some phones to be excited about in the coming months.

Android This Week: Quick Search Box, Liquid With Snapdragon Debut

Android (s goog) news is getting hotter every week, as the platform becomes poised to take off. This is due to new handsets being released now through the end of the year. And the ability to search across a phone’s content and the web for that desired nugget of information is a highly desirable feature for consumers. The latest version of Android addresses that craving by adding a universal Quick Search Box widget that facilitates searching across Apps, Contacts, Browser and Music. The widget can be put on the home screen, making universal search just a tap away.

Plus, Acer this week showed off an early version of a new Android phone based on the speedy Snapdragon processor. The Liquid, as it is currently dubbed, is a touchscreen-equipped phone with a large display. The 1GHz Snapdragon processor in the Liquid is beginning to be used in smartphones, and currently is the fastest processor used to run handsets. Like Motorola (s mot), Acer is customizing Android to provide social-network integration on the Liquid to appeal to consumers.

Meanwhile, Barnes & Noble (s bks) is expected to announce its own branded e-book reader soon. In leaked photos online, the reader looks like the Amazon Kindle with a second small color screen at the bottom of the display to handle touch controls. What does this have to do with Android? Rumor has it this reader will feature Android under the hood.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nokian 3G Booklet laajaan levitykseen USAssa

Nokia tiedotti tänään että AT&T alkaa subventoimaan sen 3G Booklettia ja että laaja ja kattava Best Buy ketju ottaa sen jakeluunsa. Tämähän oli erinomainen uutinen Nokian booklettibisneksellä ja ylipäätään bisnekselle USA:ssa. Läppäri lähtee kotiin 299 dollarilla kunhan sitoutuu kahdeksi vuodeksi AT&T asiakkaaksi (kuukausisopimuksen hinta 60 dollaria). Ekat toimitukset marraskuun puolivälissä eli ehtii hyvin joulukauppaan ja on ensimmäisiä myyntiin tulevia tietokoneita varustettuna Windows 7:lla. Kovasti AT&T pomo hehkuttaa laitetta: “The Nokia Booklet 3G is a really sharp, exciting device and we look forward to powering it with the nation’s fastest 3G network,” said Ralph de la Vega, president and CEO, AT&T Mobility and Consumer Markets. “Consumers and small business customers can’t get enough mobile broadband. Nokia’s mobile device leadership, together with AT&T’s mobile broadband network leadership, Best Buy’s retail reach and Windows 7, is a very strong line-up to drive this fast-growing market.“

Mitä olen nettiä selannut niin kovasti tuosta laitteesta ja sen designistä tykätään ja akunkestoa ylistetään. Ainoa mistä on tullut moitteita on hinta ja nyt kun amerikkalaiseen malliin myyntihinta näyttää subventoinnin takia alhaiselta niin kauppa voi hyvinkin käydä ja Nokian brändi ja asema USA:ssa voi parantua. Ja saa nähdä tuoko tuo huhuttu T-Mobilen “project black” entisestään parannuksia Nokian asemaan. Forbes-lehti kirjoitti erinomaisen jutun Noksun PC suunnitelmista. Eli lisää läppäreitä on luvassa ja osassa niistä on mukana myös Nokian Comes With Music – palvelu.

Muutaman vuoden takainen Telsim-ceissi nostaa päätään. Olinkin jo melkein unohtanut koko jutun, kunnes törmäsin google news haulla tähän uutiseen. Olisi kieltämättä hienoa jos Nokia saisi jo kauan sitten alaskirjattuja rahojaan takaisin noilta turkkilaisilta huijareilta. Motorolalle tuo raha olisi varmasti elintärkeä ja antaisi hieman lisäaikaa ja varmasti Motorolan lakimiehet tekevät kaikkensa että rahat saadaan palautettua sinne minne ne kuuluvat.

Torstaina sitten nähdään mikä on Nokian kunto ja se taas aika pitkälti määrittää oman salkkuni kunnon loppuvuodeksi.

Telnet Pada Motorola ROKR E2

Apakah telnet itu?

Telnet adalah semacam P2k Commander di ponsel-ponsel Motorola lain atau file manager untuk mengeksplor (mengakses) file system. Tidak hanya itu, telnet banyak kegunaannya,  misal mengeksekusi skrip, menjalankan command dan banyak lainnya. Telnet merupakan langkah awal setelah flashing Firmware, serta  harus dipelajari untuk memodifikasi E2.

Amankah bila melakukan telnet?

100% Aman, tidak seperti Flashing yang kalau kita salah jalan, HP bisa matot alias mati total. Alhamdulillah Udah bolak-balik Flashing HP 99% berhasil, tapi pernah 1x (1%) E398 saya mengalami matot kurang-lebih 1 mingguan, namun pada akhirnya E398 saya normal kembali setelah mengalami koma berkepanjangan hoho.. sereem..

Langkah-langkah telnet adalah sebagai berikut.

1. Pada ponsel, Pilih Main Menu -> Settings -> Connection -> USB Settings -> USB Net.

2. Pada PC, pilih Start -> Run -> Ketik cmd dan enter. Jendela Command prompt akan muncul. Koneksikan HP dengan PC melalui kabel data, Windows akan meminta driver.

3. Sekarang kembali ke jendela Command prompt, ketik ipconfig dan enter. Anda akan melihat banyak tulisan, perhatikan ip address-nya. Biasanya sih

4. Selanjutnya ketik telnet ip. Dimana ip adalah ip address yang telah Anda catat di langkah ketiga. Disini Anda harus menambah 1 dari angka terakhir ip di atas. Contohnya menjadi Jadi Anda harus mengetik telnet Enter!

cmd -> enter!

5. Jika sukses, Anda diminta untuk login. Lalu ketikan root. Tapi jangan ditutup dulu Command promptnya.

pass -> root

jika sukses

6. Sekarang di Windows Explorer, pada bagian Go To ketik \\ jendela baru pun muncul.

explore -> ketik \\

7. Ya, itulah file system E2! Anda akan melihat banyak folder di dalamnya. Untuk tambahan, folder yang bisa ditulis ulang adalah ezx_user, ezxlocal dan mmc/mmca1 (ini memory card Anda).

Oke selesai, Anda siap memodifikasi ponsel Anda hoo..

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Appliance Review: LG 21.0 Cu. Ft. Side-by-Side Refrigerator, Model: LSC2194ST

Lucky Goldstar, or LG, appliances have become some of the best and most requested appliances in the industry. This company is constantly pushing the envelope in designs and technologies so you are able to receive one of the best appliances in the industry. If you are in the market for a new refrigerator, I would highly suggest viewing an LG refrigerator so you can understand what true and high-quality refrigeration is really like. The LG 21.0 Cu. Ft. Side-by-Side Refrigerator, Model: LSC21943ST is one of the best refrigerators in the market for its unique style and its amazing refrigeration technologies. I highly recommend this product for all consumers.

Product Ratings:

User-Friendliness: 4.5/5 Stars

Refrigeration Technologies: 4.5/5 Stars

Product Features: 5/5 Stars

Overall Rating: 4.5/5 Stars

Main Product Features:

Within this LG refrigerator, you will find some of the coolest, literally, features within the industry as well as a smartly designed exterior. With a gorgeous stainless steel exterior that is highlighted with steel handles and an ultra-large water and ice dispenser this refrigerator will greatly enhance any kitchen it is placed in.

There is a digital LED control panel, which will allow you to view the temperatures within the refrigerator/freezer as well as the temperature of your kitchen. There is also a child lock safety feature as well as a water filter status indicator. Of course, you will be able to choose between crushed and cubed ice as well as purified water from this control panel.

Within the refrigerator, there are a total of eight digital sensors located throughout the unit. These sensors will detect the slightest temperature change, and thus activate the compressor. You will always have consistent temperatures within this advanced refrigerator.

The fresh foods section features the OptiChill Drawer, which will provide you with three different temperature placements, so you can store extra-sensitive food items without having to cool your entire refrigerator. This drawer is perfect for fruits that you wish to chill but not freeze, which are perfect for smoothies and other cold food items.

There are a total of three spill-proof glass shelves, which will contain any spill that may happen. These shelves include one folding shelf, which can be enlarged or closed depending on what you are storing. There is also one fixed shelf and one slide-out shelf, which is perfect for long casserole dishes. There are numerous door baskets as well as basic features as dairy storage and a meat drawer.

Within the freezer section, you will have a total of three drawers that will slide out, giving you optimum access to your frozen foods. There are also two freezer door bins and you will also be able to enjoy over 10% more freezer space than comparable refrigerators due to the ice maker being located in the door and not on a freezer shelf.

Product Price:

This LG Side-by-Side Refrigerator can be purchased online and in retail stores for an average price of $2,000.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

D-pad Behavior MB200-Motorola Add-on

Some of you in the many developer email lists were asking about the MB200 Motorola emulator D-pad behaviour. The post about the bug is here. As Anas of Motorola has mention you could use:

public void whatsAvailable() { Configuration myConfig = new Configuration(); Context context = getApplicationContext(); int duration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT; CharSequence text = ""; myConfig.setToDefaults(); myConfig = getResources().getConfiguration(); switch (myConfig.orientation){ // test for Configuration. // and display a toast }

..to get the values as you cannot depend on model numbers, see the post here.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

An Apology to MotoDEV Studio Team

Image via Wikipedia

My intention was to see if I would be able to use the MotoDev Studio for Android  in producing Android Applications for several book proposals that I am submitting to Apress. But due to everal short-sighted decisions that are evidently part of the core MotoDev Studio philosophy I cannot accomplish that feat. Let me explain.

Part of the Android OS Mobile Platform design philosophy has been  applications without limits. Imagine you as the Star Trek Captain character named James(Jim) T Kirk. You do not want to be told by your engineer that you cannot have full power. By limiting the whole MototDev Studio series both in JavaMe and Android to not including CVS and SVN, Mylyn, TPTP and WTP for such things as the Eclipse Memory Analyser Tool to analyse Android heap dumps..Motorola has effectively told mobile developers that  you do not want full power.

That is not to say that the other additions ot MototDev Studio in term sof emulator/device control, code templates, SQLite view(in Android’s case)..are not important additions to making it easier fro first time developers. However, it is too much of a sacrifice to ask that first-time mobile developer that  they give up their right to be able to go to full developmental power for those features. Yeah, it is probably why both my interviews at Motorola both ’sucked’. I cannot help it, I have a full blown user(in this case user is the mobile developer both beginner and advanced) full power ethics bent and it is somewhat impossible to turn it off.

I am sorry that all that hard work by the MotoDev Studio team cannot be appreciated by those who want both the beginner and advanced mobile developer to have full power at their finger tips in their mobile IDE. Due to the limitations to MotoDev Studio for Android I will not be using it in the development of the Android Programming WebView Web code using Goolge Web Toolkit book. I certainly hope that a ‘re-tooling’ of MototDev Studio addressing  these issues occurs as it would be a huge win for both the beginning developer and the advance developer.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Instalando aplicaciones y tuneando mi Motorola a1200e!!

Recientemente adquiri uno de estos equipos por azares del destino (un amigo que necesitaba dinerillo) el cual paso a desplazar a mi querido Nokia 5220 (¡con su diseño amorfo y todo pero lo extraño al desgraciado! ¡snif!) y como deben o no saber ya  ustedes no estan para saberlo ni yo para contarlo, el Motorola a1200e tiene Linux, ¡si!, el del Pingūinito.

Esto hace que las posibilidades para tunearlo sean infinitas o casi infinitas pues solo requerimos tener el equipo con una tarjetita microSD, un cable mini USB, una computadora y un poquito de paciencia para tenerlo al pelo.esencialmente se utiliza una aplicacion llamada MPKG la cual nos servira como base para poder instalar las apliaciones que deberan tener la extension “.pkg”.

Esto es solo una breve introduccion al tema pues al parecer existen otros instaladores como Superman o Linloader (para archivos “.lin”).

en esta ocasion les explicare como instalar el MPKG en su terminal para que de esta forma puedan instalar posteriormente sus aplicaciones favoritas. ¿Comencemos OK?:

  • Primero hagan CLICK AQUI para descargar el MPKG, el cual como anteriormente les dije, es indispensable para la instalacion de las aplicaciones.
  • Antes de continuar requeriremos que las carpetas ocultas de nuestro sistema esten visibles debido a quees un atributo que modificaremos en la tarjeta de memoria (en adelante TransFlash o TF ¿vale?), para ello ingresamos a Mi PC y de ahi a menú Herramientas, seleccionar Opciones de carpeta, seleccionar ventana Ver, seleccionar opción Mostrar todos los archivos y carpetas ocultos, Aplicar.
  • Ahora realizamos lo siguiente con el telefono (¡aun no lo conectamos a la PC!)…

Colocar el teléfono en modo almacenamiento masivo USB:

  1. Ir a menú principal en teléfono
  2. Seleccionar Config
  3. Seleccionar Modo USB
  4. Seleccionar Almacenamiento Masivo, y listo. Esto es necesario para almacenar datos al telefono.
  • Posteriormente, descomprimimos el archivo anteriormente descargado y ahora si ¡A lo que te truje chencha!, conectamos el equipo a la maquina, podran observar que la TF se nos mostrara como un disco duro local.
  • Al abrir la unidad TF encontrararan que , gracias a que desocultamos los carpetas ocultas (obviamente ñ_ñ)nos aparecera un de ellas con la leyenda “.system”
  • Dentro del archivo que descomprimimos busquen una carpeta identica y copienla a su TF con el fin de que esta sustituya a la que se encontraba en la unidad (haganlo sin miedo) y con esto casi finalizamos.
  • Desconectamos el equipo de la PC, despues lo reiniciamos y podran observar como aparecera el icono de MPKG en el menu principal del equipo (despues les pongo una cap) y con ello finalizamos!…

Por el momento esto es todo, proximamente compatire con ustedes algunas aplicaciones que tengo por aqui , solo permitanme ordenarlas y preparar el post, cualquier duda o inconvenienteestoy a sus ordenes.

Sin mas ni mas me despido, ¡saludos!…

LG KE850 Prada Black Triband Unlocked Phone

The LG KE850 is also known as the Prada phone. The phone also features a leather case, which contrasts with the high glossy black and metal texture deco and creates a sense of luxury.

The LG KE850 Prada Black has polyphonic ring tones which make the user go bonkers over them. One can easily download other ring tones as well so as to get out of the monotony. Besides, the phone has composer as well which frees the inner music composer of everyone. He can easily install self-composed ring tones as his ring tones. The PRADA Phone by LG KE850 is a real breakthrough in the industry, as it is a unique, sophisticated and elegant mobile phone with the first complete advanced touch interface.


EDGE Tri-Band (900/1800/1900)

98.8 × 54 × 12 mm

2M CMOS Camera / LED Flash

External Memory Slot (Micro SD)

Inner pack Battery 800mAh

Bluetooth 2.0, USB 2.0, USB Mass storage

The display itself is made using the capacitive touch screen technology, which means that it uses electro conductivity to sense your touch. This kind of technology is designed only to be used with fingers, so a stylus will not be necessary. Everyone wishes to have nicest of ring tones ringing whenever their phone buzzes. The user is free to choose his ring tones according to his mood. The phone gives him enough freedom to give wings to his wishes.

Features of the LG Prada phone are a 3-inch LCD touch screen display, a 2 megapixel camera with a microSD memory card slot. The phone has an in-built memory of 8 MB expandable up to 2 GB which gives enough freedom to the user to store plenty of data in it. The data transfer via phone can be easily done through GPRS, EDGE, bluetooth and USB.

The phonebook is capable of storing 1000 entries and 40 dialed, received and missed calls each of which is quite commendable. One can easily share message with his loved ones through MMS, SMS, email and EMS Besides, there is WAP browser as well which further enables the user to send messages through Internet.

There are other well favored features as well which further polish the image of the phone to perfection. For more details http://www.luckywirelessusa.com

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Motorola Phone Tools Kewlshare

Combine the power of your PC and compatible Motorola mobile phone. Synchronize contacts, calendar and tasks. Personalize with ringtones, pictures and videos. Connect to the Internet via your mobile phone.1 Motorola Phone Tools software maximizes your mobile phone experience – now you can easily synchronize contacts and data between your compatible Motorola phone and PC, as well as edit ringtones, pictures and videos.

Download Link

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cheap Things for Sale

I have  few things for sale .  Feel free to stop by and check out the links below:

P.S. Come back from time to time for new items for sale (updates).



[WTS] TOP 5 PERFUME – 1830 -WAY BELOW MARKET PRICE, Napolean III. Emperor Meiji, Abdulhamid


STORM L200 3.0 V6 (A) PETROL FULL SPEC, 2nd hand Storm FULL SPEC for sale (Cars)



[WTS] RAZR V3i Damn Cheap – D&G GOLD, SPECIAL EDITION D&G (Dolce & Gabbana) (Motorola)



Oracle CEO: We Never Compete With MySQL; Will Not Spin It Off (video)

In a conversation with former Motorola CEO Ed Zander – hosted by the Churchill Club – last night, Oracle CEO Larry Ellison said loud and clear that it will not spin off or kill MySQL, no matter what the European Union says about his deal to acquire Sun Microsystems.

“We never compete with MySQL… We’re not going to spin it off. The U.S. government cleared this. We think the Europeans are going to clear this,” pounded Ellison.

I’m sure that’ll please the bureaucrats in Brussels that are “thoroughly” reviewing the deal over some mussels and crispy triply-fried (Belgian) fries

Monday, September 21, 2009

Scientel Wireless designed, optimized and implemented Lewis University's wireless network

Scientel Wireless, Our recommendation was to change the technology direction and redesign the network using the enterprise-class Motorola Wireless LAN product line, says Nelson Santos, Executive Vice President, Scientel Wireless. The network included the Motorola Point-to-Multipoint solution, MOTOMESH™ Duo and Wireless LAN technology including the AP300, AP-5131, AP-7131 and the RFS6000 wireless switch. Every building has its own Point-to-Multipoint link to a central tower on site that connects their indoor access points. We used AP300 and AP-7131 indoor access points enabled with 802.11n throughout the buildings. For outdoor coverage, we used Motorolas outdoor mesh radios, says Broderick. Scientel reduced outdoor infrastructure by 50 percent and indoor infrastructure by 30 percent. Some may equate the reduction in infrastructure with a reduction in coverage. In fact, it isnt an exact correlation. It is really about proper RF planning. Our coverage actually increased not decreased with the reduction in units, says Santos.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Einer für alle - Power 4 Booster von Uhlenbrock

Auch Fleischmanns Twin-Center aus dem Hause Fleischmann kann sich über Power-Booster aus dem Hause Uhlenbrock freuen. (Foto: BFH)

Bei einer  großen Modelleisenbahnanlage mit entsprechend viel Fahrbetrieb ist das Leistungspotential einer Digitalzentrale schnell erschöpft. Da braucht es einen Bosster, um die Anlage wieder auf Vordermann zu brinegn. Fast jeder Modelleisenbahnhersteller bietet sein eigenes Modell an, die aber nicht immer kompatibel sind. Die Firma Uhlenbrock präsentiert jetzt mit dem Booster ein neues Powerteil für alle Systeme.

Booster Power 4  heißt der Multiprotokoll-Booster, der im 2-Leiter und 3-Leiter Betrieb für DCC, Motorola, mfx, Selectrix und FMZ eingesetzt werden kann. Dass bedeutet, dass der Booster mit beliebten Zentralen wie EC0S von ESU, Twin-Center von Fleischmann oder der Central Station von Märklin eingesetzt werden kann. In der hauseigenen Intellibox II kann zudem die aktuelle Temperatur und aktuelle Fehlermeldungen auf dem Display angezeigt werden.

Der Booster stellt der Anlage weitere 3,5 A Ausgangsstrom zur Verfügung. Laut der Firma Uhlenbrock ist das Gerät gegen  Kurzschluss und Pberlast geschützt. Der Power 4 kann über die vier eingebaute Schalter konfiguriert werden. Mehr Möglichkeiten haben Sie jedoch bei der Einstellung über das LocoNet. Das Gerät ist ab Werk  für 99 Euro  recht günstig.

Folgende Modelle werden laut Flyer unterstützt:

Intellibox, Intellibox II, Intellibox Basic, Intellibox IR, ECoS (ESU), Central Station 1 und 2 (Märklin), Control Unit (Märklin), Twin-Center (Fleischmann), Daisy (Uhlenbrock), DIGITAL PLUS (Lenz), Commander (Viessmann), Profi-Boss (Fleischmann)

Weitere Infos

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blockbuster ofrecerá películas en teléfonos de Motorola

En tiempos donde la descarga digital reina sobre el alquiler de películas en comercios y se está intentando encontrar nuevas fuentes de ingresos, Motorola y Blockbuster acaban de aunar sus fuerzas para comenzar a ofrecer en breve la posibilidad de descargar el contenido de la popular tienda de películas de alquiler directamente al móvil.

Esto sucederá con determinados modelos de celulares de Motorola, así queda instalada la incógnita por conocer cuáles modelos de la compañia estarán habilitados para utilizar la aplicación, que presisamente está en vías de desarrollo. No se indicó cuándo comenzará a funcionar ese servicio y cuál será su precio, pero será un plan similar al servicio OnDemand por el que la empresa ofrece sus películas online a televisores con receptores especiales.

Los usuarios tendrán acceso a miles de títulos ofrecidos por BlockBuster, incluidas películas y series de televisión. Todavía queda la expectativa de ver como funcionará una vez implementado y a la vez aparece como una alternativa interesante también para Motorola para posicionarse un poco mejor en el mercado.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Motorola has been idly watching in past years as other phone devices like the iPhone and Blackberry have emerged and dominated sales with their high-tech features, email services, and applications.

Now, Motorola has decided to join the crowd and invest in “smart technology” in the form of the new Cliq phone that will come out soon. Motorola will be utilizing Android, a mobile phone operating system that allows users to experience sophisticated applications and web-browsing services.

The point of this summary is to illustrate how rapidly technology and communication forms advance in short periods of time. Motorola, the company that onced experienced unrivaled success with the Razr has stalled as other companies have made technical innovations.

It’s clear that today’s world is not content (Motorola) with a phone that is…..just a phone, but is that acceptable, or are we blinded by applications, texting, web-browsing, and games?

Cel mai mare si cel mai mic nivel de radiatii

Unele telefoane mobile emit radiaţii nocive pentru sănătate mai mult decât altele. Specialiştii americani de la Environmental Working Group au analizat mai multe tipuri de terminale pentru a descoperi care sunt cele mai periculoase aparate şi care ţin cel mai mult la sănătatea utilizatorului.

Top 10 telefoane cu cel mai mare nivel de radiaţii emise (W/kg)

Motorola Moto VU 204 (1.55)

T-Mobile MyTouch 3G (1.55)

Kyocera Jax S1300 (1.55)

BlackBerry Curve 8330 (1.54)

Motorola W385 (1.54)

T-Mobile Shadow (1.53)

Motorola C290 (1.53)

Motorola i335 (1.53)

Motorola Moto VE240 (1.52)

BlackBerry Bold 9000 (1.51)

Top 10 telefoane cu cel mai mic nivel de radiaţii emise (W/kg)

Samsung Impression SGH-a877 (0.35)

Motorola Razr V8 (0.36)

Samsung Impression SGH-t229 (0.38)

Samsung Rugby SGH-a837 (0.46)

Samsung Propel Pro SGH-i627 (0.47)

Samsung Gravity SGH-t459 (0.49)

T-Mobile Sidekick (0.50)

LG Xenon GR500 (0.52)

Motorola Karma QA1 (0.55)

Sanyo Katana II (0.55)


Saturday, September 12, 2009

NYTimes Posts New Motorola Phone

New Motorola Cliq focuses on social networking. Once more we see a push for server side, application based communication. I have always thought that social networking had an interesting relationship to design. Graphic design is the communication through text and visuals, and well, social networking does the same thing. Transitively, one could say that social networking over the web is graphic design. Right now, social networking primarily refers to web interaction, however, my question is: how far can we pull web social networking outside of our computers into the realm of daily life? How perfectly well can we blend daily life with the web resources we have access to? I believe that the iPhone is a success at this point, but i also believe that the web/reality interaction can be pushed further. What about interactive clothing? What about interactive displays and maps in public locations?


[Via http://mitradesign.wordpress.com]